Video marketing is touching sky these days, the statistics around this marketing technique are visibly high. If you still aren’t thinking about going for Product Videos marketing, then you should know that you’re missing out on a big opportunity to reach a large portion of yours to be an audience.
People always prefer watching videos rather than anything else. Especially, the ones who like to shop online or are looking for some fun. Be it entertainment or educational if you choose to promote your product through videos, you can save yourself from spending a huge amount on other promotions like blogs and social media.
And the best part about it is that you don’t need to buy expensive props and cameras to make a video for your product. If you’re looking for reaching your audience to spread the name of your brand, nominal videos do just fine and result in a great way to boost your product video conversions.
Let’s have a look at How Product Videos contribute to boost the conversions.
1. Increases Brand Awareness and Product Reach
According to a research, whenever you type something to search, the search results consist of 14% videos. That means if you make a product video, your viewers are most likely to see the video on the page. And, if you don’t grab that 14% of search results, you’re most likely to miss out on a big part of the audience. And, it not only results in brand awareness but also increases the reach of your product.
Video Products boost the sales of your product by a significant number. Viewers go for videos rather than content so if you choose to engage your audience by making product videos in an engaging and entertaining manner, you can boost your conversions.
2. Engages your Audience with Brand
When you choose to make product videos, it engages your audience with your brand and your product. Videos can be highly engaging and when you put these videos on your website it makes the audience spend more time on your website.
When your audience is spending their time on your website these longer visits not only result in boosting your Search Engine Optimization but also lead to conversions.
3. Builds a Trust with Customers
When you use Product Videos for your customers it builds a trust in them to believe the brand. 58% of audience shops from websites which use product videos. This comes from the view that it is better to watch the product being used and in motion to trust it rather than the content without any validation.
If you also give user reviews, the customers rely on the views of others on how they liked the product. This builds a strong trust in individuals who think twice before going after something which is online.
4. Boosts Sales of Product
It is a known fact that you can’t tell everything completely in a text and comprehend it to convince your customers whereas a small video can give the complete message to your audience. As per a research, most of the viewers purchase products right after watching the video. This means if your product video is made in a particular manner that convinces the audience that it’s worth buying then most of the viewers do that right away.
5. Increases Search Engine Optimization
Google is always looking for interactive videos that boost the SEO. Research shows that videos on your website can boost your reach by up to 150% organic traffic. If you use Product Videos to reach your audience and engage them then it’s the easiest way to reach the top search result of Google.
If you think of increasing SEO by other means that it takes a lot of effort whereas using Product Videos can result in boosting your SEO plus you don’t have to do any great hard work for it.
Here are some basic ways through which you can boost conversions by using Product Videos. If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a shot, it is the most cost-effective and proven way to Boost Conversions through Product Videos.
Author Bio. :- James Tredwell is a Technical SEO at who works with unique problems and advanced search situations. He enjoys writing about the latest technologies, ios app development and SEO.