
7 Reasons Why SEO Is NOT Dead In 2020

7 Reasons Why SEO Is NOT Dead In 2020
SEO Search Engine Optimization Internet Digital Concept

Today, you may have learned a lot already about Search Engine Optimization. It refers to the techniques that are in place to help websites rank higher. If you don’t practice SEO techniques, then you can be guaranteed lesser competitive chances in digital marketing. 

You may also have heard that because SEO has been around for so long, it’s considered dead in 2020. False. For as long as search engines still operate and exist, SEO will always be relevant. It will always be valuable to any website.

Yes, even in the year 2020, SEO is NOT dead. Here are seven reasons why:

  1. SEO Is Evolving, As It Always Has, And Always Will

SEO is evolving. It will never die, being that it’s still one of the most effective practices there is to drive traffic in. It goes without saying then that, in the coming years, SEO will continue to evolve.

SEO changes to meet the changing needs of Internet users. It employs adaptable techniques that’ll always have its place and effectivity in the digital marketing industry, as applied by the various expert through SEO agencies. As Internet users change the way that they use, do searches, and interact on search engines, so also has SEO done the same as well. 

Even in 2020, it doesn’t change the fact that no website will ever be considered as “competent,” without the right use of SEO techniques. That said, these are some examples of SEO trends to look out for in 2020:

  • Artificial intelligence will continue to evolve and be of more beneficial use
  • Optimization of SEO techniques will be more user-focused
  • Voice search will still be applicable
  • High quality and optimized content is still crucial for success
  1. SEO Basic Factors Are Still Very Important

There are many primary factors of SEO that have proven efficacy. These have been effective for a very long time already, and will also only continue to be in use. For as long as these SEO fundamental factors stay important, SEO will never die. 

These basic factors of SEO, among others, include the following:

  • Usability
  • Proper website structure
  • Content
  • Key phrases and context
  1. SEO Is Still Very Useful For Businesses

Businesses are always competing against each other for the attention of Internet users. You shouldn’t fall behind too. For companies to succeed, they need all the help that they can by following SEO strategies. Else, these businesses are always going to have a hard time generating leads. 

Every business size and niche needs SEO. For instance, home service SEO is suitable for home services businesses such as handyman, cleaning, plumbing, and interior design services. Optimizing home service websites entails using on-page and off-page SEO to improve their keyword ranking. That way, search engines will find those websites relevant, trustworthy, and authoritative, aligned to search queries. 

The same SEO concept applies to professional services, such as law firms and dental clinics. Even with how experienced professionals are, they still need the expertise of SEO agencies to help expand their client reach. Being active online and optimizing their websites can bring them more prospects and loyal customers.  

Then, you already know the basic equation. More leads for a business website will always mean higher traffic. In turn, high traffic also results in higher revenue potential.

If SEO is dead, businesses would have a hard time thriving in the fierce competition that is digital marketing.

  1. SEO Creates Better Website Structure

When a business or an individual creates a website, this isn’t to be done haphazardly. There are still metrics that have to be followed so that the structure of the website will be good. Else, you can expect your site to fail, or to be stagnant.

Proper SEO techniques are crucial to ensuring that your website is structured well. Therefore, for as long as sites still exist, then SEO will always be around. 

Following SEO methods enable you to have a fast-loading website. It also requires you to have easy-to-read content by using headings and subheadings. Furthermore, you will need to break up long blocks of texts, use bullet points, and use combinations of short and long sentences to create a better website structure that can impress users and search engines.  

Here are good reasons why the website structure is still essential:

  • It equates to good user experience
  • It prevents your site from getting cluttered
  • It ensures that your other content doesn’t compete with other content on your site
  1. SEO Is Going Even More Technical

Gone are the days when SEO was only about stuffing your content with keywords. Today, content isn’t the only way for you to rank high with SEO. Other technical factors continue to shape the world of SEO. Thereby, it proves that SEO is still as effective as it has always been.

Technical SEO nowadays involves going beyond keyword research or creating high-quality content. If you excel in this craft, you become more knowledgeable and highly skilled in employing different technical SEO strategies. In that way, you can set your business apart from your competitors.

For example:

  • Social engagement
  • Link building
  • Website code, design, and structure
  1. SEO Still Works For Brand Elevation

Brand elevation refers to how much of the Internet users on your site know and subscribe to the brand name of a business. With businesses moving at a more competitive marketing sphere, SEO is still one of the tactics that work best for brand elevation or better brand recognition.

SEO ensures that a website will gain a strong position on the search engine results page. In turn, this results in a business’ website gaining more trust and reliability. Henceforth, brand recognition improves, too.

  1. SEO Is More Analytical Now

As SEO has gotten more technical, it’s important to note also that it’s getting even more analytical than ever. SEO is very reliant on data, as can be shown through the analytics of search engines, like Google

Data that SEO consistently gathers helps answers questions about the following:

  • How to fix your marketing campaigns, based on problems that SEO has discovered
  • Whether or not the campaign is failing or succeeding
  • Which areas of your campaign are weak and strong


SEO has a good record of tremendous success for a reason. Because of its continued effectivity and success, it will always be here to stay. Websites will always need to rely on the parameters set by SEO for them to rank higher on sites. So, for these seven reasons and so many more, it’s safe to say that SEO is here to stay. Then, it’ll only be even more effective in use as the years go by. 


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Written by webgranth


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