
4 Quick Solutions to Fix Your Company’s Search Results

Make Sure Your Site is Visible to Search Engines

The first thing you need to do is to make sure your site is visible to all the major search engines. There are a couple of reasons your whole site or parts of it might not even appear in search engines. All other solutions are useless if you are invisible to search engines. If you find out your website is invisible, you can do a few things to remedy it:

  • Contact your web host immediately and describe your problem to them – if it is from their side, it should be fixed within a day.
  • If that produces nothing, contact the developing agency that was responsible for designing your website and ask them about it – it is highly likely this will completely solve your problem.

Start With Implementing Basic SEO Recommended Practices

There are a few small tweaks you need to do to your website to make it compatible with search engines – these don’t take long and are necessary first steps you need to take to make your company more visible:

  • The meta tag – the meta tag is where you write a short excerpt telling search engines what your page is about. It should be short (around 160 characters) and enticing, as the users see this under your page’s title on search engine result pages.
  • Alternative tags to images and videos are necessary for people with sight impairment, and it helps search engines understand what the contents of those elements are – both uses make alternative tags vital for SEO.
  • Robots exclusion standard or simply robots.txt is a file that allows you to communicate directly with web crawlers. While creating a complicated file requires technical skill, you can still make small edits that will have a huge impact. Particularly, you can easily prevent private parts of your website from being discoverable by search engines.

Of course, these are only the basics, and if you want to see huge improvements, you need to hire a reliable SEO agency, such as Neadoo Digital SEO agency, that knows the ins and outs of the business to help you get to the top and increase your visibility and revenue.

Page Speed Matters and You Can See Small Improvements Easily

How fast your web pages load has a significant impact on your website’s ranking – at the early days of search engine optimization, it was hard to determine why your website was slow and to quantify how much does it hurt your ranking.

Now, with tools like Google’s PageInsights, you can simply put the link to your website in a box, and the tool will analyze the page, tell you how much time does it take to load each element, and what the bottlenecks are. You’ll see a detailed actionable list that you can immediately act on to improve your website. Most of the tasks are simple and don’t take a lot of time, and you’ll reap the fruits of your work almost immediately.

Fix Broken Elements

Broken elements on your website are a signal to search engines that you don’t actively maintain your website, and this devalues your pages and makes you appear less prominently in search engines. It’s not only broken image and video elements you need to worry about, but you should also monitor links pointing to sites that don’t function, deprecated code, and misplaced items.

Depending on the platform you’re using, there are easy ways to keep track of broken links and other elements easily. Maintaining a website at 100% is never easy. That’s why, if you don’t have the technical knowledge or time to do it, you can always do with some software development outsourcing to an agency, so they can maintain your website.

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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