Sometimes it happens like that coders or programmers spend their lots of time in coding and till the time they come to run their codes it would have become lengthier and full of bugs. The availability of efficient code editors avoids occurrence of such types of problems by highlighting the error. Also, several promising features such as auto-complete, search and replace option, etc saves lots of time of developers or programmers and make them to complete their code as soon as possible.
The presence of nice and sophisticated code editors provides lot of tips and several ways to code faster and lets the programmers to find their typing mistakes without any pain. Some code editors highlights the mistakes same time the programmers types it and in this way warns the programmers of his mistakes. Since code editors plays a critical role in the development process and hence we are hereby providing a superlative list of coding editor which will serve as an ultimate list for programmers. Check out these code editors as discussed below and pick out from these which one suits your need best.
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Coding Editor
Aptana Studio (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) (FREE)
Aptana Studio is a remarkable coding editor which provides a complete web development environment which allows web developers to build web applications quickly and easily. It is a leading web application IDE that combines powerful authoring tools for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with thousands of additional plug-ins created by the community; Apart from all these, it also harnesses the flexibility of Eclipse which makes it a powerful web development engine.
⇒ It is free, open source and cross platform code editor.
⇒ It supports Ruby on Rails, Python and PHP.
⇒ It offers unified editing for web Applications, desktop Ajax etc.
⇒ It provides Ajax and JavaScript Libraries.
SlickEdit (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) (FREE Trial; 299$)
SlickEdit is the multi-platform, multi-language coding editor which empowers the programmers with the ability to create, navigate, modify, build, and debug code faster and more accurately. It allows the web programmers to use this coding editor as a default editor within the Eclipse environment and permits them to code in over 40 languages on 9 platforms.
⇒ It displays symbol details with list members, function/method argument help, and formatted Javadoc/XMLdoc/Doxygen comments etc.
⇒ It allows programmers to analyze symbols and hierarchy with a rich set of tools including Symbols, Class, References, and Find Symbol tool windows.
⇒ Programmers can check in and check out from version control and can preview the definition for the symbol under the cursor automatically without lifting a finger
⇒ It provides different files and directories and also the Preview tool window which shows the definition and formatted Javadoc/XMLdoc/Doxygen comments.
⇒ Programmers can edit files up to 2 GB.
JEdit (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) (FREE)
JEdit is a mature programmer’s text editor which is written in Java and hence cross platform, i.e. that can run on various platforms such as Mac OS X, OS/2, UNIX, VMS and Windows. It supports hundreds of plug-ins and hence allows web programmers to download and install plug-ins from within jEdit using the “plug-in manager” feature.
⇒ It features auto indent, and syntax highlighting for more than 130 languages.
⇒ It supports a large number of character encodings including UTF8 and Unicode.
⇒ It is highly configurable and customizable and consists of both basic and advanced features which a programmer expects from a coding editor.
⇒ Built-in macro language, word wrap.
IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) (FREE; €86 to €516)
IntelliJ IDEA is a code-centric IDE which is intended to boost up the developer’s productivity by facilitating them with a set of powerful tools without imposing any particular workflow or project structure. It is dream coding editor for every programmer and offers them a smart, type-aware code completion and in this way helps them to shape their code effectively. One of the distinctive features of this coding editor is that it easily recognizes one language inside another such as SQL inside a Java, HTML inside JavaScript, etc and hence provides appropriate coding assistance inline and a dedicated injection fragment editor.
⇒It offers Advanced Code Editing in Integrated Environment
⇒ It supports various languages.
⇒ It supports advanced Technologies & Frameworks
⇒ It possesses high quality code features and teamwork facilitation
⇒ It is highly customizable & extensible too.
Notepad++ (Windows) (FREE)
Notepad++ is an extremely important free source coding editor and Notepad replacement which runs in the MS Windows environment and supports several languages. It is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. It is quite user friendly and is based on a powerful editing component Scintilla. One of its noticing features is that by optimizing as many routines as possible and using less CPU power, it reduces the power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.
⇒ It features syntax highlighting and syntax folding and WYSIWYG.
⇒ It allows user defined syntax highlighting, auto-completion and supports multi-document, multi-view.
⇒ Regular Expression Search/Replace supported.
⇒ Full Drag ‘N’ Drop supported, Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting.
⇒ It features file status auto-detection, zoom in and zoom out, bookmarking etc.
⇒ Multi-Language environment supported, Macro recording and playback.
SCREEM is a user friendly coding editor which offers a perfect web development environment to the web programmers. It is build with a purpose to increase productivity of the web programmers while constructing a site just by providing them quick access to commonly used features or elements via toolbar buttons. Being a versatile XML editing package, it is perfect to be used as a general purpose structured data editing environment.
⇒ It provides several options such as view recent documents or projects, search or replace, select context, spell checking etc.
⇒It facilitates programmers with Syntax Highlighting, Tag Trees, Task management, Wizards etc.
⇒ It has support for broken link checking, CTags, and CVS etc.
⇒ It includes Document Structure Display, DTD/Doctype Parsing, Helper Applications, Inline Tagging, Intelliclose etc.
⇒ It allows for link fixing, page previewing, page templates, publishing etc.
EmEditor (Windows) (FREE Trial; €32.15)
EmEditor is a lightweight, but extensible, commercial text editor which is designed to be used with Windows XP and Windows Vista. It is really an excellent coding editor which includes a portability option to set up a removable drive, such as a USB drive, through an Import and Export Wizard. Also, it includes Unicode and large file support, a tabbed window design. It is also extensible via plug-ins and scripts (macros).
⇒ It facilitates the user with new snippets plug-in, brackets/quotation mark auto-complete, CSV, TSV and DSV.
⇒ It offers full screen view, clipboard history, wildcard support etc.
⇒ Workspace Including Undo Information are Saved in Protected Folder.
⇒ It has New external tools, new buttons on toolbar
⇒ It keeps support Windows 7 Jump List.
Programmer’s Notepad (Windows) (FREE)
Programmer’s Notepad is an open-source text editor which is targeted at all those users who work with source code. It has support for windows, UNIX and Macintosh file formats and allows programmers to carry on their projects and project groups with multi-level folders and file system mirroring.
⇒ It provides tabbed MDI interface, Text Clips, Word-wrapping, Non fixed-width font support etc.
⇒ It has excellent external tool support with user-configurable output matching.
⇒ It features File association manager, Bookmarks, Code Folding/Outlining, Docking tool window, In-file method/definition navigation (using Ctags) etc.
⇒ It facilitates the programmers with quick search toolbar with links to Google and Google Groups, Regular expression search and replace etc.
⇒ It has support for Unicode files and assists the developers with syntax highlighting for many languages through “schemes”.
⇒ It supports unlimited number of schemes, and both user-defined and built-in schemes of powerful syntax highlighting system.
PSPad (Windows) (FREE)
PSPad is a universal freeware text editor and source editor intended to be used by web developers and which works on Microsoft Windows systems. This editor has a wealth of formatting functions, including a spell checker and hence proves extremely useful for all those who work with plain text. Also, as a web authoring editor, it contains many unique tools that save time of web developers while creating web pages. This editor catches and parses compiler output, integrates external help files, compares versions and much more and is perfect to be used by those programmers who wish to use a good IDE for their compiler.
⇒ It catches and parses compiler output, integrates external help files, compares versions and much more.
⇒ It has a wealth of formatting functions, including a spell checker.
⇒ It contains many unique time saving tools.
HTML-Kit (Windows) (FREE)
HTML-Kit is a full-featured website editor which is designed to work on Microsoft Windows. It is a full-featured HTML editor which allows developers or programmers to edit, format, validate, preview and publish web pages in HTML, XHTML and XML -languages. It is fully customizable with the help of hundreds of available plug-ins.
⇒ It facilitates the programmers with navigate tags and scripts, code folding, batch search and replace, upload options
⇒ It offers to carry on incremental search and go-to, file versioning and auto backup, html-kit shorthand, remote editing with local copy
⇒ It provides programmers various dockable plug-ins, paste plus, native Unicode support, multi-page templates, re-order document tabs.
EditPlus (Windows)
EditPlus is a text editor, HTML editor, PHP editor, Java editor and Hex Viewer for Windows which serves as a good Notepad replacement. It also offers various commanding features for Web page developers and programmers and facilitates them with syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python and Ruby on Rails. Its features are customizable and can be extended for other programming languages on the basis of custom syntax files. Besides all these, other features include URL highlighting, auto completion, clip text, column selection, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, spell checker, Hex Viewer, HTML toolbar, user tools, line number, ruler, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and much more.
⇒ It offers multiple document interface and overlappable windows.
⇒It facilitates its users with Tabbed document interface, Compiler integration, Window splitting, Code folding, Spell checking, Regex-based find & replace etc.
⇒ It allows encoding conversion, newline conversion, syntax highlighting, multiple undo/redo etc.
⇒ It permits users for rectangular block selection, bracket matching, auto indentation, auto completion etc.
Crimson Editor (Windows) (FREE)
Crimson Editor is a professional source coding editor for Windows which offers many powerful features for programming languages such as HTML, C/C++, Perl and Java. It is smaller in size and hence faster to load. It is regarded as a good replacement for Notepad and facilitates the programmers with Syntax Highlighting, undo/redo, user tools, macros, spell checker and much more.
⇒ Facilitates developers or programmers with syntax highlighting, multi-level undo/redo, Project management, Find & Replace option etc.
⇒ It presents Directory tree view window and allows column mode editing, natural word wrapping etc.
⇒ It provides various User tools and macros such as spell checker; print & print preview option etc.
⇒ With the help of this one can edit remote files directly using built-in FTP client
Coda (Mac OS X) (99$)
Coda is a commercial web development application for Mac OS X which is developed by Panic. It is one window web development as it offers everything such as text editor, files transfer, SVN, CSS, terminal and much more and allows programmers to grow beautiful code.
⇒ It comes with several plug-in via which it can be customized or extended.
⇒ It opens quickly and facilitates the programmers with smart spelling checker tool, subversion etc.
⇒It offers text editor, files transfer, SVN, CSS, terminal and much more for the development process.
⇒ It can find across files.
BBEdit (Mac OS X) (FREE Trial; From $49 to $125)
BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh which is specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web developers and software programmers. This is an award winning coding editor which provides programmers or developers an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text. It offers an intelligent interface which in turn provides easy access to its features, including grep pattern matching, search and replace across multiple files, project definition tools, and much more. It also facilitates its users with function navigation and syntax coloring for numerous source code languages, code folding, FTP and SFTP open and save, AppleScript, Mac OS X Unix scripting support, text and code completion, and a complete set of robust HTML markup tools.
⇒ Function navigation and syntax coloring for numerous source code languages,
⇒ It supports text handling, file handling, search & replace, etc.
⇒ It offers a versatile platform for Programming and Web Development
⇒ It offers several display features along with UNIX & Admin features.
TextMate (Mac OS X)
TextMate is a brilliant coding editor which brings Apple’s approach to operating systems into the world of text editors. It is best to use for both expert scripters and novice users. It reduces the mental overhead of programmers by turning their manual work into automatic one. It facilitates the users with Auto-Indent for Common Actions like Pasting Text, CSS-like Selectors to Pinpoint the Scope of Actions and Settings, Declarative Language Grammars for Graceful Mixing and Hacking etc.
⇒ It possesses the ability to search and replace in a project, auto-pairing of brackets and other characters.
⇒ It assists the programmers by providing clipboard history, column selections and column typing, recordable macros with no requirement of programming etc.
⇒ It allows completion of words from current document and dynamic outline for working with multiple files
⇒ It expands trigger words to code blocks with tab-able placeholders
⇒ It offers programmers foldable code blocks, function pop-up for quick overview and navigation.
⇒ It works as external editor for (s)FTP programs and can work together with Xcode and can build Xcode projects
Useful Coding Editor
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