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Mobile Apps Marketing Strategy Examples Analyze & Their Aftermaths

For your easy understanding regarding Mobile App Marketing Strategies, I’ve segregated the same into different categories as explained below:

1. Pre-launch Marketing strategies that work as a magic wand for creating that effective buzz

  • Create an excellent Viral Launch Page with impressive social media integration

As per this strategy, you can opt for creating an effective landing page for your app that contains content in a visual format. You must ensure easy sign up and fully-functional ‘Call-to-action’ for the app.

  • Take full advantage of pre-release platforms

Under a scenario where you plan to delay the release of your app, the features available with pre-release platforms definitely serve as the best tools for keeping the user engagement ongoing. App-Vita, Feed My App, Make Use of are some of the finest pre-release platforms that can aid you in presenting your app idea way before the app hits the app stores.

2. Leverage benefits of Facebook App Installs

Introduced in the year 2012, Facebook app installs have enabled developers/business professionals to drive maximum app downloads. With Facebook enjoying the reputation of being a leading performer in the app marketing space, you too can make the most of the Facebook app installs. By integrating Facebook ads in your app pages, you can run a remarkable advertising campaign that will fetch you the attention of a wider group of targeted audience. Also called as Marketplace Ads, these include a specific headline with copy, an image and a unique click-through link that redirects the user to the Facebook page, a Facebook app or any third-party website.

3. Personalize your interactions with consumers

Adding a tint of personalization undoubtedly makes your app marketing campaign even more profiting. You can opt for using the recipient’s name while sharing messages with the consumer. One thing that needs to be kept in mind here is that over-using this privilege could be deemed as an invasion into the consumer’s privacy.

4. Follow the KISS strategy

Simplicity is the key to effective mobile app marketing. With mobile screens becoming the most preferred screens among a majority of consumers, it would be essential to do away with filters and unwanted characters.

5. Include fresh, unique and relevant content in your application

For this, you can conduct a detailed keyword research with the help of Google adwords keyword tool, Wordtracker, Bing keyword tool etc. for finding keywords that are being used by customers while searching for applications related to your business.

6. Opt for in-app ads

In order to proceed with the incorporation of in-app ads, it is essential to identity the target audience for your app. Once you’re done with this, determine the other apps that these targeted consumers are using. Upon detecting such apps, make arrangements for posting in-app ads of your app on the same. You can always choose the reputed social networking apps like Facebook, StumbleUpon etc. to post your app ads. Here, just remember that the user’s download speed isn’t affected by the placement of app ads.

And now, let’s have a look at some crucial tasks that need to be executed after implementing the aforementioned mobile app marketing strategies:

Testing the app for bugs is unavoidable

Before releasing your app for generic public, it is absolutely essential to test it for any type of bugs. While a majority of app stores don’t recommend split testing or A/B testing of apps, you can choose multiple ways of testing your apps. Some popular ones are listed out below:

  • Same Genre Testing
  • Free VS Pro Testing
  • Split Testing Landing Pages

Try out as many app review sites as possible

Thanks to the easy availability of brilliant app review sites which allow you to receive the views/opinions of users for your application. Whether you have created an app for a specific niche or for a general cause, getting it reviewed by a reputed app review site will enable you to get familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of your app. Plus, you’ll also have an option of flaunting the most favorable feedback received for your app. On receiving reviews for your app, it is your responsibility to look into each and every issue that has been raised by the reviewer. If possible, you must also make it a point to release an updated version of the app that includes all the bug fixes with additional features and functionalities.

Wrapping it all up

In a nutshell, pure outreach of your app primarily depends on the type of marketing strategy you follow for it. I’m sure the mobile app promotion strategies mentioned above would definitely aid you in reaching out to 100% genuine and targeted customers instantly.

Author Bio: Lucie Kruger is a mobile application developer working with Mobiers Ltd, which is the leading Android app developing company. She provides concrete information on latest technologies like iOS, Android mobile apps development.

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Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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