
Grab Google’s Attention – 5 Simple Tips to Get It!

Even though we all might know why we need quality content, it doesn’t necessarily mean we know how to obtain it, or what it even looks like. You might already know what it’s not though. Have you ever seen articles that are stuffed with keywords, or article farm sites? That would be what Google is NOT looking for, not anymore at least.

Spun material is another item on the way to the ‘useless bin’. If it’s not meant for an actual human to read, rather than a computer spider, don’t bother writing it. You would be wasting valuable time.

However, do you even have the right host for your hard work…a high quality website?

Hosting Your Content in Style

Make sure that you don’t do all the hard work of creating quality content, and then waste it on a sub-par website. Adequate just will not do. Good thing for us, it’s a simple process in getting a nice site built.

WordPress is available for professionals and amateurs alike, and allows you to have a wonderful site to host your content, with very little effort on your part.

They have a wide variety of plugins and themes to help you with creating contact forms, image control, as well as ad management. Your site can go straight to professional status, leading to professional results.

Just to give you an example, the ad management program will delete ads that have expired right off your site, automatically. You don’t have to do anything. The same with the imaging plugin, which automatically adjusts the sizing of your images so they load as quickly as possible when visitors come to your site.

Take a little time to look through what WordPress has to offer, especially before jumping in. I know it’s tempting to just get started quickly and learn later. However, learning how to build a website, especially with a program that is user-friendly, before starting one is the way to go…and it’s quick enough.

So, now that you know how to host your work…

Here Comes the Judge

In this case the judge isn’t outfitted in a stately black robe and gavel, but most likely sitting in a far less formal atmosphere. The ‘judge’ in this case, is the reader(s) of your content. If I can compare this to a courtroom for a minute, you would be the attorney pleading your case to the judge and jury. You might think you have presented the base case ever, but ultimately, it’s up to the judge and jury to decide that now.

To win them over, you need to know what they want, or need to know first.  Then, you tell the story for them, not yourself, and keep the reader there with information they are seeking. If it’s not there, they will move on.

No matter what type of site you have, or your topic, needing to cater to the reader will never change. Take for example a review site. Anyone who is seeking out reviews will want certain information, and mainly the truth. When I look for reviews before making a purchase, I want to know what consumers really think, rather than a sale’s pitch.

A Narrative

Read through the most popular publications to see what their secret is. Chances are you will notice that they have a way of telling a story. It reels you in with a great headline, but then keeps you there because it appears to be a conversation between you and the author.

If you write about real events and people, it will capture the reader’s attention quicker, as well as maintain it through to the end of the story, especially if it applies to their life.

Simply pretend they are in the same room and you are conversing with them live. Also, try placing a quote, or a personal story in the content to back up your words and add credibility to your content. If you can’t draw from your own experience, use a parallel example. For instance, if you are discussing driving an SUV in snow, but own a Fiat, you can talk about how difficult it is to maneuver a small car in winter weather.

You’ve Never Put Your Word into Print?

Don’t let that stop you. Think of it as a challenge to conquer, instead. I first started in this business, with a background in carpentry, certainly not anything in writing. While I am good at telling a story, putting it into print is completely different.

I gave it a go for a while, but decided to outsource the work to see what happened. As it turns out, I learned a valuable tip from one of the professionals I hired. She told me that she spends roughly 3 times the amount of time diving into research, than she does putting it into an article. And, how well she knows the topic, doesn’t matter.

I would write straight from my thoughts, and thought it was enough because I knew a lot about what I wanted to share. However, I learned through doing this, there is so much more to learn, including what everyone else is saying.

A good example of why knowing what others are saying could help, is that we don’t want to be redundant. If there is an abundance of information on what we want to share, ours might get overlooked…unless, we take it up a notch. This could be done with providing new information, or just with our personality.

5 Simple Steps to Quality Content

If you follow the easy steps below, no matter what your topic is, you can easily create content that will soar above the others. Try the following:

  1.  Research, Research, Research. Diligent research will lead to more material for you, no matter how well you know the subject. You can easily do this through interviews and online searches.
  2.  Organize. Create an outline with all the material you collect.
  3.  Reality. Make the story real by using real events, people, and quotes throughout the piece.
  4.  Follow. Work with the outline and follow it to tell the story. Using small paragraphs and strong headlines and subheadings will keep the readers interest
  5.  Finishing. Now, read the article to see if it’s providing the information that your readers will be looking for. Also, check for any errors and typos that you might have in it.

Following these easy steps will lead to a quality piece. And, even if you decide to outsource the work, you at least have the information to know what to expect.

I would love to hear what you have to say about this. Please just leave any comments, suggestions, or questions in the comment box below.

About Author

Jason Monroe is a freelance writer and Internet Marketer. He has extensive knowledge on how to build a website that is successful. Jason stays on top of the industry by attending relevant conferences, reading, and researching. He is now attempting his hand at search engine and social media.

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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