
Most Searched Term: Know Top Keyword Searches of the Year

Top Keyword Searches of the Year

These two search engines will be the focus of determining the hottest search terms. The search terms will also be evaluated based upon genre and which terms were searched most overall. With these 2012 top search queries you can easily put a track on the upcoming trends and hence can optimize the topics for your websites. So just check out these most searched terms and I assure that you will find some terms that you are not even expecting.

Google’s Most Searched Terms of 2012

Facebook, YouTube, Hotmail, Google and Yahoo were the top five most searched words on Google. Social media terms were popular this year. In fact, Facebook was the most searched term by over two billion searches per month globally. This can be, in part, contributed to the company going public. Everyone wanted to research the company and speculate its performance. Aside from the company’s initial public offering (IPO), Facebook also drew increasing visibility from non-investors seeking to use the tool for business or pleasure. Numerous businesses are gaining significant exposure from their Facebook pages. YouTube is also popular with people. The viral videos amuse, inform and entertain. Everyone wants to know the latest YouTube video that is capturing the attention of the viewing public.

Bing’s Most Searched Terms of 2012 By Category

Bing separates its most searched terms into categories. Here are some of the most popular categories:

Celebrities:-  Kim Kardashian was the most searched person in 2012. She was followed by Justin Bieber who managed to score the spot for the most searched celebrity in Bing. Whitney Houston followed Bieber after her untimely death. She will be missed in the music industry. Miley Cyrus, Rhianna and Lindsay Lohan took the third, fourth and fifth spots on the most searched celebrity list. Rhianna and Chris Brown took the first position for the most searched celebrity couple. Last year, Jennifer Anniston was third, but she has dropped to the eighth position in 2012.

Sports Figures:- Peyton Manning, Tiger Woods, Lolo Jones and Serena Williams were among the most searched sports figures this year.

Most Popular News Stories:- The iPhone 5 release made it to the top of the news list and the technology list for most searched items. The 2012 elections and the 2012 Olympics managed to earn more searches than Hurricane Sandy.

Most Popular Technology Searches:- In terms of social media, Facebook, Twitter and Myspace made it to the top of the most searched list. The iPhone 5, iPad and the Samsung Galaxy S were popular devices that made it to the top of the most searched list.

How the Most Searched Terms Affect Business

When you know people’s interests, you can tailor your business to appeal to their needs. Tailored products appeal to the public and generate more revenue. Every company wants more revenue for growth and reinvestment. Consider researching the search terms and determine how your industry is affected by it. Who knows? You may find someone for a celebrity endorsement or partner with a company that can propel your company forward.

About Author

Aaron Webb is an online guru with a particular interest in search engine marketing. He finds it appealing what everyday consumers’ are searching on the web today, thus providing him the inspiration to write this article on the hottest search terms for 2012. Aaron sources results through the Google Analytics service that provides details of website traffic and organic search terms.

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Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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