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The IOT Market – How Java Keeps Enterprise Applications More Secure

While the concept of inter-networking is revolutionary in application, it comes with its own set of pertinent challenges, one of which is security of devices and the network channels in deployment through Java Application Development Services. Access restrictions are difficult to enforce in a connected network without segmentation, leaving every connected device vulnerable in case of an aberration by any one of the connected devices.

IoT Security

Java Security Management

Java handles security in three key areas – the security of mechanisms during coding and runtime, security of containers during life cycles (Servlet containers, EJB containers, etc.) and the security of the GlassFish server or other servers being used. Java outlines an authentication and authorization policy for each request and response, and assigns tokens such as API tokens and JWT tokens to reference each unique credential.

Java further assigns roles indicating hierarchy that governs access criteria via permissions and declarations. Roles are defined at runtime, leading to segregation based on granted permissions. Java also enforces transport security, which means that while data is transferred from the client to the server and vice versa, it cannot be tampered with. It does so with various tools like encryption, or disallowing modification in transit by any third party.

Java and IoT – The Perfect Match

In an ever-widening scope of connectivity, the integration of hardware and software is crucial to the successful large-scale deployment of IoT devices. Intelligent devices require quality embedded software systems to function. Oracle has identified Java to be the most natural contender for the unified standard of software for the Internet of Things platform. The rise of the machine to machine technologies has prompted Java to unify its platforms and provide one comprehensive platform for the smooth IoT app development architecture which can provide transferability, security and efficiency.

The most captivating facet of Java’s answer to the Internet of Things is end-to-end security. With all sorts of sensors gradually coming into regular use in homes and offices, Java is able to use the very same security protocols that it uses in its Enterprise Editions to any embedded device. In this manner, Java is able to keep the enterprise application more securing even when it is part of a connected web with millions of end-points, all integrated to share data and act upon gathered information. Java functionalities in EE provide zero-loss, zero-corruption policies for data in transit as well as storage.

Noel Portugal, Principal User Experience Developer at Oracle claims that Java powers the entirety of the internet as we know it, running behind the scenes in every crucial turn of our modern lives. This means Java in and of itself contains the security protocols that would be necessary to tune embedded systems. The Internet of Things would thrive on this existing knowledge of Java Application Development Services if it were to be applied seamlessly to connected devices.

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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