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Blog Writing: Easy As Butter And Hard As Diamond

Communication is the most crucial phenomenon among human civilization that started with speech perhaps 200,000 year ago. The communication mediums get advanced and polished with time; the speech communication was followed by symbols, petro glyphs, pictograms, ideograms and the latest and most used ‘writing communication’ using alphabets. Writing is not a big task but impressive writing is not an easy one too. If you are reading this article than I m sure that you are passionate about writing or you are looking to be the one. And if my perception is correct than I would really love to welcome you in this beautiful world of ‘arranged alphabets’.

Let me make you feel the power of your selected passion. Start looking nearby and try to count the words written around you; the words written on your computer screen, in your opened book, mobile screen, t-shirt, jeans button and everything that you can imagine. Finding trouble? Let us make it more complex; expand the area of search to your home. Very tough! Right? What if it is expanded to your city? Country? Whole world? You are a writer or looking to be than feel proud because you are the king of these uncountable worlds.

Blogging is the most advanced and latest way to make your writing art visible to this Blue planet. Writing a blog is so much easy that you can’t even imagine but writing a KILLER blog is 10 X ‘can’t even imagine’ tough. A killer blog is an impressive piece of writing that kills the possibility of further refining; it kills the possibility of further questions about the topic from the reader; overall, it is the peak state of a blog writer. As per the latest survey report; there are nearly about 70 million WordPress & 39 million Tumbir Bogs worldwide till July 2012. These digits are expected to increase drastically in the coming years. Writing is a free flow of thoughts but still there are a few things you may look upon before writing to have a much effecient rule over the kingdom of words.


Writing is always the second step

‘Writing is always the second step’; you may be confused after reading this heading but I assure you that I had not written it mistakenly or without proof reading. When you want to write something than you must have?

  • Pen?
  • Notebook?
  • Creativity?
  • Time?
  • Writing capability?

Yup you are correct; none of the above stated option is the prime factor for writing. Before writing something; you must have an inspiration or subject or topic or interest; and this crucial factor is gifted by ‘Reading’. No one can ever be a good writer if he is not a good reader. Reading enhances the horizon of your thinking and sharpens your thoughts. So I think you will now be betting upon the heading of this paragraph.

Social Networking Sites at the Side by Tab | NO-NO-NO

Every artist has a small kid hidden in the small corner of its mind that give him beautiful unique thoughts and break down the boundaries of its thinking capabilities. But this immature side of ours diverse the concentration into entertainment sector, as soon as we connect our internet connection and try to visualize our thoughts on the Excel; every blue color forces us to open the face book account on the side Tab or Red color screams the name of Gmail and so on until we declare that ‘I will do the writing after some time because xyz..’. This xyz could be any silly excuse of our ‘pumping organ’ to our own ‘thinking organ’.

WRITING requires a sharp concentration else you will end up with just writing. So just say a hard No to the social networking sites and other likewise entertainment options while working.

Believe in yourself – ‘I am the Best’

Try to be the most active reader of your own post. Be fair to yourself; appreciate your hard work the most but also try to find out the maximum mistakes from it so that no one else can hit upon it. It is really very rare to be the star in a single night; so you had to burn the midnight oil until the stars starts shining you work. You cannot take the actual help from anyone while writing, many a times you will be discouraged, may be you would be the only reader of your post but if you believe in yourself, if you believe that your words are more effective than speech, if you believe that you are the best and if you believe in core hard work than I too can bet upon the things that everything you believe is correct.

Quality is really much important than Counting

How you can judge the efficiency of a Blog writer?

  • By total No. of words?
  • By total no. of readers?
  • By total no. of subscriptions?
  • By total no. of likes and tweets?

Yes, you are again correct the correct answer is none of the above. Quality of written material is the parameter to judge the efficiency of a blogger. It really doesn’t matter that you post the blog every day; twice a day or every week. The thing that counts is the eagerness of the reader to read you next post; in my opinion it’s better to have royal readers than hundred buttery comments. So always remember that you can increase the counting of readers for some time but you can’t hold them with you if they don’t find their taste of quality in your posts.

Either Play fair or Quit

Reading other’s work is really a good habit; getting inspired from their stuff is too a fair game BUT using ctrl + C and ctrl + V is not acceptable in this writing game. It is really a major problem that the bloggers follow the TREND. If something is running fast than they try to just run behind it no matter they want to do it or not! No matter they know about the topic or not! NO MATTER if they know that they are doing wrong. Please make a knot of it and never try to DO this. It will not only disappoint your readers but also make you down to last pages in Search Engine Optimization.

Be Bald-Be looked

Hey wait- wait I don’t want you to cut down your cool hair style, it is just a saying. “UNIQUENESS” is the key of success in blog writing. You need to be innovative in your topics; you need to have a matchless writing style and the most important that you need to have a unique way of thinking. Every reader wants to read a fresh thought and your topic makes you look different from the crowd. Even if you are writing for a common topic still you could have a different make up by your unique writing style.

These above discussed points are not the all you should follow but these are the prime things to look upon. I hope that my article will help you in your writing work. I will love to hear more tips and reviews about blog writing from you.



What do you think?

Written by Steven Bowen


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