
Awesome Tips That Will Help To Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

Daily numerous people make their minds to start blogging and they even do so. But gradually, many of the bloggers get despaired and they do not update their blogs. This happens mainly due to two reasons – Non-popularity of their blog and secondly, not getting comments from the readers of their blog.

The simplest reason for this failure is that without accepting any strategies, the popularity of the blog is not at all possible. After following few simple strategies, see how your blog starts gaining popularity as well as loads of comments. In broader sense, there are 8 strategies to be followed for making your blog popular with very simple and easy ways:

1. Expand your “Blogosphere” by making friends:

The simplest way to gain popularity is to make friends by reading other fellow bloggers’ blog and do commenting on their blogs. If you make this as your regular habit, then sure you will also find many blogs in which blogger allows mentioning your link along with your name. Then see!! How your blog also get so many visitors from those blogs.

2. Attach Social sharing to the blog:

Just by adding a small button on your blog can give you amazing results. The best WordPress plugin that helps you a lot in this regard is AddThis.

3. Concentrate on one niche only:

Sometimes, blogger starts writing the blog with great enthusiasm on any random topic. At initial stage, the blogger writes one or two posts perfectly but later on, he fails. Therefore, it is strictly advisable to continue with one or two topics only. If you feels that writing on a single topic is getting much harder than it is better to expand the topic by adding related topics. For example, try to go with entire subject and not with particular chapter of the subject.

4. Make habit of writing for other blog also:

Though it sounds amazing but it is very great strategy to gain popularity. Like, if you visit any blog of your topic, then just try to maintain guest blogging on the related blogs. For example, MyBlogGuest is the easiest method to detect the blogs who are in fond of guest writers.

5. Keep publishing post on your blogs:

Blogging is not a task of one or two days, but it is ongoing task if you want a long list of readers and getting popular. Make great efforts to publish the post regularly and try to build vast network of friends.

6. Try to continue visitors on the blog written by you:

It is advisable to take help of numerous plugins offered by WordPress like Link Within, simple tags, etc. to establish coordination between the related contents. If this is done with the help of small pictures of the related content, then it is more fruitful.

7. Try to follow Blog Carnivals and Blogging Support Groups:

Just take part in Blog Carnivals and see what happens!! In such application, you have to write about a particular topic and then submit it. It is an ideal way to promote your blog with lots of readers. Secondly, you can also join a blogging support group like This is also the best way to detect same type of blogs.

8. Keep in touch with readers and give response to their comments:

Although this strategy sounds very simple but believes me, it is very effective. If any reader do commenting on your blog but have not shared your blog yet, then reply their comments properly. Just try to make continuous relationship with the readers and keep them engaged till they get motivated to publish your blog to their Facebook wall.

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Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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