
Latest Link Building Tips after Google Penguin Update

Never forget the very basics of any good SEO – quality content. If you need a test, think about whether you would be comfortable talking about your strategy to Matt Cutts, the head of the Google webspam. To provide a helping hand to every newbie as well as the experienced webmasters; I am providing the list of top 5 latest Link building tips. These link building tips will surely help you to enhance the SEO algorithm of your website. And as we all know

Good the SEO – Better the Traffic – Best the Revenue

Quality Instead of Quantity

Quantity vs Quality

This wasn’t always the case, although it makes perfect sense. Before the Penguin update, a ton of spammy links could still get you very good SEO results. Not anymore. Today, the quality of links far outweighs quantity. If you can get 5 high quality links to your site, you are better off than getting 1000 links to thin, spammy content. This is a huge development which then naturally lends way to content marketing.

It also means that as an SEO specialist, you should think about how you can make content go viral and be featured on websites and blogs that can truly add value through their authority. Don’t even bother with article rewriting and posting this all over the internet. At best, they are ignored and at worst, you are penalized badly.

Do-follow No-follow Links

dofollow vs nofollow

This is a tough one because there is no “right” answer. This is always a concern though – how do you distribute your link profile between do-follow and no-follow links. A lot of SEO simply looks to do-follow links because those are the ones that add value to PageRank. However, this is a very wrong strategy.

Firstly, PageRank is one of the more than 200 metrics that Google looks at while ranking webpages. No-follow links are beneficial in many other ways. Secondly, Google is all about seeming natural. This means there should be a healthy mix of do and no-follow links, which is how a natural link profile looks like.

Unfortunately there is no consensus about what this ratio is supposed to be. In fact, there is no such hard and fast ratio because it depends on the type of links that you currently have and their qualities as well.

Anchor Text Optimization


This was a major change after the Google Penguin update. A number of websites that used the same anchor text for most of their links were heavily penalized. The reason was simple – that didn’t feel natural to Google. Natural links have a variety of anchor texts, including “click here”, “here”, “” etc.

Don’t overdo anchor text optimization. Instead, use variations of your main keyword and also use generic text like “click here” when you are building links. This will save you a lot of trouble later on and keep Google happy.

Content Quality, Panda and Penguin

Content Quality, Google Panda & Penguin

The Google Panda update that was done a few weeks before the Penguin update clearly showed the importance of high quality content. In fact, the fundamentals of SEO always come down to quality content. When you are looking to build links, you need to avoid sites that don’t have quality content.

This is especially important when you are looking at websites and blogs that are relatively new and don’t yet have thousands of daily visitors. In those cases, it is very important to look at the quality of existing content. You should try to get backlinks from this site if and only if the quality of content in general is high.

Relevant content also comes under this category, but that isn’t a complete no-no. If you have a website about construction, it doesn’t make much sense to get links from a website about beauty. However, there are related industries, like fashion and beauty. You can cross over such links.

Landing Page Diversity

This is another important aspect of good link building after the Penguin update. You do not want all the links to point to your homepage. Content needs to be “deep”, which means there should be multiple pages on your blog that are worth linking to. It is usually the case that the homepage receives the most number of links, but don’t leave your deeper content too far behind.

About Author

Sid is a writer, blogger and SEO specialist through content marketing and writes for GeeksMakeMoney.

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Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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