However, By most of the expert and web-developers Magento is concord as an object oriented, scalable and secure web application. It can be extended in very easy and convenient manner as well as allows for store fronts and multiple stores. Also, it incorporates a huge community which grow exponentially.
So, if you are also looking forwards to setting-up an e-commerce website with Magento, then nothing to worry. As, it is almost free from many hindrances. In the installation and global configuration of Magento is very user-friendly, simple and affable as well as not much confounded and hence don’t create many hindrances and hassles. But, in case of template tweaks and advanced configuration, might be it became a little bit hectic. So, in this post Magento Tips: Most Useful to Resolve Problems with Magento Tips. I am going to present some simple and easy to implement Magento tips that would not only eradicate your hindrances but also lets you to achieve your desired consequences in very easy and affable manner.
So, go ahead and take a tour with Magento Tips: Most Useful to Resolve Problems with Magento Tips that has been congregated here, just only for you.
Add a captivating “add to cart” button on CMS pages
You may desire to convey a distinct look to your product as well introduce it on CMS page for many reasons. If you literally wish to accomplish this and that is not too complex in the page editor you use. You are supposed to put a little bit of efforts to write the below listed HTML code where you wish to appear the button in the page.
<button onclick=”location.href =’{{config path=”web/unsecure/base_url”}}/checkout/cart/add?product=1&qty=1′”>Buy It Now</button>
Now, you are required to save the page and do refresh the cache. Now, when the page open, you are supposed to see the “Buy It Now” button. After clicking this button, it add 1 product in quantity with ID=1 to the shopping cart.
However, in context of make it some more advanced, you can add number of quantity which enables the customers to add accordingly as they required. Towards this direction, write this HTML code.
<button onclick=”location.href =’{{config path=”web/unsecure/base_url”}}/checkout/cart/add?product=1&qty=5′”>Buy 4 Get 1 Free</button>
Hiding Shopping Cart sidebar when It is empty
Appearance of Shopping Cart in sidebar or anywhere in the entire page is quite obvious for customers and visitors. However, it is not necessary to make it visible when the user has nothing in it. So, you might prefer to hide this. In order to hide the Shopping Cart from side bar, follow these easy steps:
1. Open:
app/design/frontend/default/<your template>/template/checkout/cart/sidebar.phtml
2. Now, designate the following div (generally in line 32)
<code><div class="box base-mini mini-cart"></code>
3.Just before that opening div tag Add this php code
$_cartQty1 = $this->getSummaryCount() if ($_cartQty1 >0):
4. Next, Write this php code at the end of the file
How to Add Facebook Like on a Product Page
In, these days who is not acquainted about the power of social networking sites and widgets. However, etching Facebook button to your product is really very impressive and very easy too. When a user click on the Facebook button, he is supposed to share that product with his all friends.
Now, in order to add this button, write the following code in the template file:
<a name="fb_share" type="button"></a> <script src=""type="text/javascript"> </script> <?php elseif($_share == 'facebook_like'): ?> <script src=""></script><fb:like show_faces="true" width="450"></fb:like> <?php endif; ?>
Enrich Store View with Language Pack
Generating a store view with a language would verily enhanced the user experience as well as put a positive impact over customers. With Magento you can accomplish it in very easy and convenient manner just by following these instructions –
1. First of all you are required to download the language you need, after that unpack it in Magento Install folder. It will be copied in two distinct folders, one to app\design\frontend\default\default\locale and another to app\locale.
2. Now, in your admin go to System>Configuration. At the top left corner in current configuration scope drop down box, designate Default Config and English store view for main store.
3. Next, go ahead and add French Store view. In the dropdown box, find out Manage Stores link or simply go to System>Manage Stores.
In the top right click Create Store View link and write accordingly as listed below in store view information form:
Store: Main Store
name: French
Code: french
Status: Enabled
Sort order: 0
4. Finally, Save and again go to System>Configuration. Now, you can see French Store View in current configuration scope dropdown box. So, click the link.
In left, on Locale options tab, uncheck the “use website” checkbox and then convert the locale to French (France). Now, Save and your website will be changed in French language.
How to hide the price of product for unregistered users
In a e-commerce website Tier price is worthy, but you don’t wish to show each prices to all customers. So, if you desire to show tiered pricing only to your logged in customers, then you are required to go to:
In this file, include this PHP function
<?php if(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()): ?>
Take care to include above function before the below listed code.
<?php if (count($_tierPrices) > 0): ?>
Finally at the end, add this code.
<?php endif; ?>
How to Remove Credit Card Information From Sales Email
Magento openly sends the credit card number by email, that is not secured and depending upon the system of payment you allow to your customers. However, you might feel the necessity to eradicate showing of such information in emails. If you really want the same, then follow these simple instructions listed below.
1. Open the file:
2. Find out the lines which read:
<?php echo $this->__(’Credit Card Number: xxxx-%s’, $this->htmlEscape($this->getInfo()->getCcLast4())) ?><br/><?php echo $this->__(’Expiration Date: %s/%s’, $this->htmlEscape($this->getCcExpMonth()), $this->htmlEscape($this->getInfo()->getCcExpYear())) ?>
3. Code out this Comment, which appear like this:
<!–<?php echo $this->__(’Credit Card Number: xxxx-%s’, $this->htmlEscape($this->getInfo()->getCcLast4())) ?><br/><?php echo $this->__(’Expiration Date: %s/%s’, $this->htmlEscape($this->getCcExpMonth()), $this->htmlEscape($this->getInfo()->getCcExpYear())) ?>–>
4. Now, Save the file
Add a Contact form to Magento CMS Page
This might be referred as as earnest tips for Magento, that can solve any problem very frequently. Your valuable customers may require a contact form where they can add some bits of text as well as also wish to have breadcrumb menu display with contact page. Rather than of box, its contact form doesn’t allow to do it. So, if you want to setting up in your e-commerce website, go with following easy to follow steps:
Go to your CMS>Manage Pages interface.
There, input your HTML as you commonly do for any other page. Once you are satisfied with HTML part, include this line:
<!– CONTACT FORM –> {{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" form_action="/contacts/index/post" template="contacts/form.phtml"}} <!– END OF CONTACT FORM –>
However, hopefully this post Magento Tips: Most Useful to Resolve Problems with Magento Tips might be very useful and quiet worthy for an enhanced user experience in setting-up e-commerce website with Magento. Moreover, these Magento tips are capable to abandoned all respective issues as well as better usability of the site.