
A Brief Beginner’s SEO Guide: How to Rule Google

In the recent past, creating quality content was enough to increase traffic. The thought behind it was that better content will more likely be shared. Lately, however, this has changed due to the rise of content creation. Now, the quality content must also be search optimized as well for better rankings.

Here’s what you can do to optimize your content using Google’s Keyword Tool and on-page techniques.

Google Keyword Tool

Using Google’s Keyword Tool, you can help find keywords relevant to your niche that you can pursue to increase traffic. There are several things you need to consider when when using Google’s tool.


Competition shows a rough estimate of how many other websites are competing for the specific keyword phrase. A keyword phrase can have low, medium, or high competition. It will be easier and quicker to rank for low competition keywords. However, the low competition designator could mark that the phrase isn’t very relevant for your site and/or that it doesn’t receive much traffic. Often, pursuing low competition words in the short term and high competition words in the long term is a good strategy.

Global and Local Monthly Search

Targeting keywords with high monthly searches will bring more traffic to your site the higher you rank for the keyword phrase. However, higher monthly searches often mean higher competition or broader keyword terms. You’ll have to find the right, specific terms with plenty of monthly searches and a competition level you’re willing to compete in.

On-page optimization

Once you’ve determined the keywords you want to target, you should optimize your new, quality content to help rank for your keywords. Here are some quick tips for optimizing your posts.

H1, H2, and H3 Tags

H1 through H6 tags define HTML headings in your post and indicate the importance of each heading or section. Your title should automatically use an H1 tag. However, make sure you use your main keyword in your title.

H2 tags should be used throughout your post with your main keyword and other related keywords. H3 tags, and higher number tags, can also be used to further identify subsections, and can also feature other less important keywords.

Bold, Underlined, and Italicized Keywords

Include your main keyword close to the beginning of your article and bold it. This helps your reader identify what your article is about and does the same for search engines as well. Google also likes when keywords are highlighted with underlines and italics. Use these only when you need to emphasize a point.

Keyword in URL

Including your keyword in the URL of your article is an easy way to inform Google what your article is about. However, use it in a logical way.

Keyword Repetition

It is important to repeat your keyword throughout your post. However, it should not become obnoxious. Therefore, using other variations of your keyword is a good idea.

Title and Meta Description

Your title should be no more than 60 characters in length and, as with the URL, should feature your keyword. Additionally, when you create your 150-character (roughly) meta description, use your keyword. Your meta description should give a brief summary of what your entire post is about. If you also have any secondary keywords you are targeting, try to include these in the meta description too.

Meta Keywords

Your meta keywords should be around eight words total, with no more than ten. These are just keywords, not keyword phrases, so you will be quite limited. Include your main targeted keywords and important secondary ones.

While this article is by no means an exhaustive explanation of how you can better optimize your content, it should help get you started. As is with just about everything, practice is always encouraged and you’ll discover some good techniques on your own.

Author Bio
August Drilling works with Forte Promotions, which sells promotional products like custom flash drives, loves social media, blogging, all things Apple, and design.

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Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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