A beautiful artwork of creating awesome paper masterpieces made of either by shaping or combining different types and several pieces of papers is called paper sculptures. Unlike origami, paper sculptures are being created by using paper as a main subject to compose a paper artwork with several pieces of paper instead of one. Interestingly, paper sculptures and masterpieces can be even inspired from plain paper to garbage papers.
An art of making a paper plane is the most simplest and easiest form of paper art that most of us used to do in our childhood days but paper sculpture is something to the next level. Paper masters turn basic form of origami which is folding a flat sheet of paper in a finished sculpture together with cutting, bending, shaping and sculpting techniques to create beautiful paper masterpiece.
Some master paper sculptors creating awesome paper 3D artwork that astonish your imagination in terms of state of amazement. Other creative people with an eye for detail and love for the nature used to fold, cut and glue to transform simple sheets of paper in various colors, sizes and textures to come up with fascinating masterpieces and beautiful sculptures. You might wonder how beautifully these genius minds come up with creative artworks formed out of paper by means of twisted curves, complicated geometrical shapes, beautifully carved, folded, cut paper objects.
Interesting Paper Artwork and Paper Sculptures
In our post, we are glad to present beautiful collection of Interesting Paper Art and Paper Sculpture by some great paper artistes in the world. Here, we have put together some of the best examples of unusual paper sculptures and paper masterpieces along with the artist name behind it. Check out the creations of paper art and sculpture created by some of the most genius minds.
Remarkable Paper Artwork by Peter Callesen
SOURCE: http://www.petercallesen.com/
Hedgerow Birds by Helen Musselwhite
SOURCE: http://helenmusselwhite.com/
Papillon by Aoyama Hina
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/37051688@N00/
Vernissage by Analu Prestes
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ufocinque/
Eros & Thanatos by Kako Ueda
SOURCE: http://www.kakoueda.com/
Getting my Mind to Work by Ciomaria
SOURCE: http://ciomaria.deviantart.com/art/Getting-My-Mind-To-Work-2-90495590?q=boost:popular+paper+sculpture&qo=27
Welcome by Ufocinque
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ufocinque/
Beautiful Artwork by Jeff Nishinaka
SOURCE: http://www.jeffnishinaka.com/
Dark Night by Carolg2007
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8853574@N03/
Emma Van Leest
SOURCE: http://www.emmavanleest.com/home/
Webtime by Beatrice Coron
SOURCE: http://www.beatricecoron.com/paper.html
Paper Sculptures by Satish Ghatpande
SOURCE: http://www.indiaart.com/exhibitions/Satish%20Ghatpande/viewExhibition.asp
Allen and Patty Eckman
SOURCE: http://www.eckmanfineart.com/
Ferry Staverman
SOURCE: http://www.ferrystaverman.nl/
More Paper Art……
SOURCE: http://weheartit.com/entry/634522
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/37051688@N00/2159010754/
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/richardsweeney/127609009/in/set-72057594105588057/
Helen Musselwhite: Romany Caravan
SOURCE: http://www.helenmusselwhite.com/page3.htm
Inspiration 2009
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dunner_family/4084222638/
Reflection on Sagrada Familia
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paperarchitect/2617610487/
Deep Sea Tango
SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/crackpotcreative/2612041604/in/pool-paper_shadow/