
List of 10 principles every Application Developer should know

Creating jaw-dropping applications is no child’s play. There is a lot of effort that application developers need to put in if the goal is to create an application that will wow the audience. Application developers working with a top web design company need to master certain programming principles to ensure that the quality of the app and the coding employed is excellent. Here is a list of 10  principles every application developer should master if they are serious about making their mark in creative agencies:

1 – Keep it simple, silly

KISS is a well-known principle where the primary goal of the application developer is to keep the code as simple as possible so that anyone can understand it even though they are not a developer. This principle involves restricting the line of code to 50 or 60 and keeping it neat. 

If there are several conditions to be employed for one method, application developers must ensure that these are broken down into smaller methods. The idea should be to focus on only a single problem at any given time. The biggest advantage of this principle is that it saves precious time for other developers and team members at branding agencies from going over any messy code multiple times to understand what it is trying to do.

2 – You aren’t gonna need it (YAGNI)

It happens very often when application developers are tempted to retain functionality in anticipation that it might be useful at a later point. However, the reality is far from that. 

As per agile methods of software development, adding any functionality that isn’t relevant to the present situation that the app is trying to address is a futile exercise. Not only it makes the app more complicated, but it also adds to the sluggishness. That’s why the principle of YAGNI states that there is no need to design something unless there is a necessity for that feature. 

Bloated code is a perfect recipe for disaster as it makes the app development far more complex than it needs to be. It results in the developer going back and forth, costing the project more money and time. So unless you want a cost overrun, don’t include features that serve no purpose currently. 

3 – Arrange, Act, and Assert (AAA)

This is another commonly employed principle in application development that applies to various methods. It suggests that every test method should be categorized into three sections, and the developer’s action should be aligned with the activities associated with that section. So methods that are classified into the Arrange category signify codes that need to be set up for testing. Those in the Act category are currently in the stage of testing. Lastly, those in the Assert category require the developers to check whether the application fulfills the expectations or not. 

Applying this principle is extremely beneficial when an application developer has to perform multiple tests in close succession to test new apps. 

4 – Single Responsibility 

According to this principle, each module, class, or function installed in the app should have one role to perform. Adding too many responsibilities to one class or module can make them unnecessarily complex and also slow down performance to a great extent. 

Overloading the classes or functions can make it extremely time-consuming to isolate something when you are troubleshooting. Moreover, it can also make it difficult for app developers to add additional functionality when required. Keeping single responsibility at the core of app development prevents such problems from occurring. 

5 – Principle of Least Astonishment 

This design principle encapsulates predictability in behavior. While it applies to several design activities, it is particularly relevant in designing applications.

The idea is that every component should perform in a manner in which most users will expect it to. If you plan to include something with an extremely high astonishment factor, it is time to go back to the drawing board and relook at it. As a rule of thumb, the user shouldn’t be surprised or completely astonished by the app’s behavior. The lower the astonishment factor, the higher the usability of the app or interface you are designing.

The bottom line is simple — create expectations that you can fulfill. 

6 –   Don’t repeat yourself 

Repetition is not necessary when you are designing an app. When you are working on any code or logic, make sure it applies only once. Any type of repetition, whether it is for testing or deployment, is usually unnecessary. Eliminating duplication of various processes should be the chief goal for application developers when they are working on a new design. 

The best way to resolve repetition is by using automation wherever necessary. This also means that wherever possible, one should do away with manual testing and integration processes and instead deploy automation. 

7 – Separation of concerns

This principle lays down that if you have a complex application, it is advisable to break it up into different sections. Each section can be tasked to address a specific concern while keeping them independent. Doing so makes it easier to manage them separately and also update the code when required. 

To illustrate, in every application, the business logic and UI show up as different concerns. Each section is handled independently by the application developer without compromising the outcome.

8 – Don’t call us; we will call you

This principle, also known as the Hollywood principle, presents an innovative approach to application building. The idea is to have a code that responds to external events instead of having a code that controls its own flow. The principle is commonly used when developers work on plug-ins or extension models. Instead of these applications taking control of the entire execution, they respond based on whatever is required of them. 

For instance, say you are designing functionality in the app where the shopping cart needs to convert the currency of purchase. Developers following traditional programming principles will design a cart concerning currency conversion services. However, those applying the Hollywood principle will provide for an external mechanism that links to a currency conversion service on its own.

9 – Have a clean code, always 

The motivation behind coding is not to impress anyone. It is to solve a problem that your users are facing. Hence, it is imperative to write the code to find a solution instead of designing it as a complex problem. Competent application developers always write code that is easy to follow, leaving notes wherever appropriate. Moreover, the higher the readability of your code, the easier it is to maintain it.

10 – Never forget to document the code 

Documenting your code properly is one of the key principles every application developer must know and follow. Walking the extra mile ensures that no aspect of your code is unclear. Make sure to leave appropriate comments wherever necessary so that no one reading your code later feels lost. In other words, do not make it a guessing game for your fellow developers to crack what you have written. Since documenting is a facility supported by all programming languages, do your best to do it and save everyone from unnecessary back and forth.


If you aspire to become a good application developer, don’t forget to implement the principles above. Nothing is more frustrating than having messy code bring down the usability of an application. 


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Written by webgranth


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