
Have a Look over Exceptional WordPress Video Tutorials

The WordPress platform is popular to such an extent that, one can find a wide array of resources relating to WordPress developmentd, administration, as well as plenty of user guides available on web which can assists users to get started using WordPress platform instantly.

Although, we have presented several theoretical WordPress tutorials in the earlier posts, first time we are going to present the video tutorials and screencasts for WordPress. One of the advantages of these video tutorials is that they will allow you to learn by following along with the instructor in real-time and hence will prove very effective to grasp the techniques. Also, do not forget to share your opinions with us what do you feel about this post. Please leave a comment in the comments section of this blog post. Now, let’s check out these exceptional WordPress Video tutorials:

Add a Twitter Field to Your Form

This is a 5 minutes video which let you to learn how to install and set up the WP Twitip ID plug-in to integrate Twitter into your WordPress site. This is an instructional video on how to install and configure the wp-twitip-id plug-in for WordPress blogs teaching you how you can include a field for your commentators to add their twitter ID.

How to put a Custom Header in your WordPress Blog

This is an easy to follow video tutorial where you’ll learn how to replace the default WordPress header to a custom-made header so that you can quickly get started with your WordPress blog. You will learn how to put a great custom image in the custom header in just 3 minutes.

Create your first widget

This is an amazing WordPress video tutorial which shows you how to create a theme widget for WordPress. It will acknowledge you that with the help of widget you can create your own ads, link, and many others.

How to make a WordPress plug-in

This tutorial will make you learn how to create a WordPress plug-in that follows the WordPress plug-in development guidelines.

How to setup PrettyURLs on WordPress

Here, in this video tutorial, you will learn everything about permalinks including how to set it up on your WordPress site. Actually, by default, WordPress uses web URL’s which have question marks and lots of numbers in them, however, this tutorials will show you that the WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. It will let you to know number of tags with which you can` get started.

WordPress installation and theme tutorial

This is the basic WordPress video tutorial which will teach you the basic things such as WordPress installation and theme creation. It will let you to get up and running with a WordPress installation, as well as learn the basics behind WordPress themes.

How to Upload PDFs

This tutorial is of extreme importance for all those WordPress users who want to learn how to upload PDFs to share with their audience. Here they will learn how to upload, insert, and link a PDF in WordPress and hence might find this short video tutorial useful for them.

Photo Captions

Basically, Captions describe the photos displayed on a post. This tutorial will make you learn how to add photo captions with a single click of a button in WordPress. Here, in this tutorial you’ll see number of methods for adding them to photos of a blog post.

How to create a picture gallery in blog post?

Actually, an image gallery displays a set of thumbnail images attached to a particular post or page and when clicked, gallery images are displayed in a full-size carousel view. This tutorial will show you how to put together a picture gallery in any blog post in WordPress platform.

HTML & QuickTags vs. Visual Editor

This video tutorial will present a clear-cut difference between editing content through the Visual Editor, i.e. the built-in WYSIWYG editor in WordPress and good old-fashioned HTML. It will show you that for creating a post or page on your blog, you have two editing modes available to you, the one is visual editor and other is HTML editor, it depends upon you, with which you are most comfortable with.

What do you think?

Written by Steven Bowen


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