
Optimizing Your Website: 6 Reasons Why Fresh Content Is Essential to Your SEO Strategy

One way to keep that level of interest at a good level is to set up a blog and it is always important to understand and appreciate how much it matters to optimize your website if you want to enjoy a successful SEO strategy.

Here are some compelling reasons why this matters.

Visitors put a premium on new content

It is not exactly rocket science to appreciate that if you had a shop window that you didn’t change for a few months or more it would soon be ignored by passing customers who would quickly stop looking or be tempted to call in if they think there is nothing new to see.

The same principle applies with your website content and if a visitor quickly sees that not much has changed since the last time they visited they will probably click away and might not return again.

A large percentage of regular internet users are expecting to enjoy interesting and updated content when they visit a site and even if you have a loyal customer base they won’t forgive you forever for not updating your content.

Keep your followers happy with plenty of updated content and frequent changes to your website.

Search engines are not very forgiving

Losing the interest of your audience is bad enough but if search engines don’t notice anything new going on with your site it is going to have an impact on your SEO ranking.

This is a vicious circle of consequences that you don’t want to get into as your search engine ranking has a profound impact on your visibility, which will soon prove detrimental to your visitor numbers.

Updating your website on a consistent basis with new content will help improve your ranking and that should help boost your visitor numbers.

Why you need to keep working on keyword optimization

Keyword Strategy

Keyword optimization remains a primary aspect of your overall SEO strategy despite certain adjustments made by the likes of Google to their algorithms.

It needs to be remembered that the tactic of keyword stuffing is not as rewarding as it once was and the rules of engagement have changed as a result.

This fundamental change makes it even more relevant that you find a way to organically recycle your keywords regularly.

The way to do this is to consistently update the content on your website so that these fresh and engaging details allow you to make the most of the chance to use organic keyword optimization to your advantage.

Earn some respect

The ultimate aim when it comes to SEO would be to get to a point where you have managed to achieve and then retain a healthy and loyal number of readers who have helped you get to a decent position in search engine results.

Getting your name amongst those first page results is a real game-changer and the icing on the cake is the fact that this loft position in the rankings will increase your chances of being regarded as an authority.

Search engines look favorably upon websites that are perceived to have an authoritative status and this achievement can only enhance your SEO performance.

Providing value is the trump card

The bottom line is that if you don’t give your visitors what they want they won’t keep coming back to you and the way to achieve this goal is to provide user-friendly content and offer real value to the reader.

If you don’t maintain your focus on these key objectives and update regularly with fresh and engaging content it is going to hamper your efforts to enjoy a positive SEO experience.

There is a vital dual purpose attached to the need to provide valuable and fresh content on your website. Gaining the trust of your regular visitors will translate into loyalty and that will have the added benefit of allowing you to gain vital authority with a behemoth search engine such as Google.

This win-win situation is a compelling incentive to commit to providing fresh content consistently.

Focus on your target audience

It is definitely worth mentioning at this point that it is not sufficient to just add fresh new content and expect that to do the job.

You have to strive to be relevant and timely with your content so that it resonates with your target audience.

Adding any new content will help your Google ranking but if it has a high degree of relevance to your target audience this will help you to build your visitor numbers. It can take a reasonable amount of time to develop a strong reputation with someone as complex and powerful as Google but if you work at it with content that focuses on relevant and trending topics your perseverance should pay off in the end.

There are no shortcuts

Last but not least, don’t think that you can hoodwink Google into believing that you updated your content with a half-hearted effort to freshen things up.

You need to appreciate that Google is wise to attempts to employ shortcuts such as changing a photo on a page in the hope that this update will suffice.

In fact, Google actually uses an algorithm that measures the freshness factor, so your outdated web pages won’t pass the staleness test with just a quick makeover.

This search engine displays a high degree of intelligence and it certainly knows the difference between truly fresh content and something that has gone past its best-before date.

Hopefully, these pointers should help emphasize how important it is to keep updating your website with genuinely fresh content if you want to keep your audience and the search engines happy.

There are no shortcuts if you want to get your SEO strategy absolutely right.


What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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