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Google Webmaster Tools Extend Query Data to 90 Days

Recently, Google has also employed some minor modification to this data. So, in case if are using Google Webmaster tools query data and want to have a details about how these reports work. See below.

What Sits in Top Search Queries Report

At top, a refresher that tells about this data is all about. It lists the top queries that drive more traffic to the site from Google organic search including from all properties and countries.

Summary Data

The report for selected date range incorporates the total number of queries which brings traffic to the website, number of clicks and impressions as well as the number of clicks and impressions on top queries that has been reported.

Query-Specific Data

About each query the report says:

* Number of impressions that shows the number of searchers who saw the site through search results for that specific query.

* Number of clicks says the number of click the people clicked for that specific query in search.

* Click through rate is the percentage of time the people saw in search result for that specific query and clicked.

* Average position is referred as the highest ranked URL link appeared in search result for that query throughout the searchers.

* Moreover, you can also designate the changes from these data points from the previous period. However, after 30 days the changes in percentages can’t be retained. Most probably the details about changes should be visible by default, but this is hidden by default. Therefore, in order to retrieve this data you are supposed to click With Change button to incorporate them in the report. Though they would be also included with the CSV download automatically. In the case, when the percentage in change is visible, you will have to turn it off in context to extend the date range beyond 30 days.

Now in order to retrieve more specific data incorporating the number of impressions, clicks, clicks through rate as well as the pages that ranked for the query at every position the site ranked.

Country and Property-Specific Data

Implement the filters to get details about what queries driving traffic with reference to Google properties like web, images, video, smartphones and mobile web as well as from other specific countries.

How the Numbers Are Aggregated

It is quite obvious to comprehend about what data you are looking for. However, now these reports can designate top 2000 queries which drive traffic to the website for specified period of time. That says that when a query would not appear in the top 2000 even for a single day within the specified date range would not be reported.

Generating Data

While generating the data as well as downloading, following things must be keep in your mind.

* In the user interface the default ending date is today’s date, but the data for specified query reporting is upto 2-3 days earlier. Therefore you are required to designate the last reported date by hovering over the last dot in graph. The default starting date in generating data will be 30 days before the end date and this end date is referred as three days ahead however, the exact date range by default is 27 days. Prior to analyzing data or establish a comparison with another period of time you must ensure the adjustment of date.

* As the default visible date range is 27 days, the download will be also available for 27 days from the Python script.

What do you think?

Written by Bryan Lazaris


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