
SEO: Is That Some Kind of Curable Disease?


Coming Clean About SEO Article Writing

In a group-confession kind of way I say my name and announce my infliction. I have always simply said that I write and submit articles but have never really explained what I write about or why. To be honest, no one has really seemed that interested in asking me either, so I decided that it was time to get some Skype action on to ask friends and relatives what they know about SEO. Here are the questions I asked.

How Does Google Give You the Site You Are Looking For?

I was hoping to hear “telepathy” or “black magic” in among the answers here but not even my Mum is so far behind the times these days. Everyone knows that Google and other search engines give you the most appropriate results for your search but no one in the outside world really seems to know why.  Is there a group of site readers somewhere who need to go over every single site with a fine toothcomb and then rank it? What do they rank it on?  Ah, how the world is so full of mysteries to people who don’t know the answer to a simple question. Now if someone can show me how to change a tyre on my car I’ll tell them exactly how Google rates sites.

What Is SEO?

No one actually asked me if this was a disease but one friend did ask me if it was an acronym for a sailing organisation or some sort of charity fund. Of course, if you didn’t know the answer to the first question then you had little chance of getting this one right either I suppose. It seems that the daily activities of SEO workers all over the world go largely unrecognised by the population at large, according to my brief piece of research. I guess this shouldn’t surprise me too much after all. When I was a teenager I worked in the local council offices and even my parents didn’t understand what I did there day after day. They came into the office once and asked me if I knew someone who could help them with a problem. Err, me. I work here. That’s why I am sitting here with a tie on looking bored and staring at the clock. That’s just made me think of something else actually. I wonder if I have helped move any of my Dad’s favourite sites up the rankings. I haven’t worked on any directory submissions for Gene Pitney, home brew cider kits or Brylcreem yet so the answer is that I probably haven’t.

Do You Read Any of My Articles?

I don’t let people back home see all of my work but I have been known to pass the odd link onto them safe in the knowledge that the hits for the site are about to go through the roof. Hmm, so why is it that none of them seem to remember very clearly what any of my articles are about?  Still, the guys at Google must get the odd chuckle from my jokes as they plough their way through another 10 hour shift of reading and classifying sites, and I even amuse myself from time to time. That’s good enough for me anyway.

Even if you don’t know what SEO is all about and what directory submissions are you will find the best way to get these things done at SubmitINme.

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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