
How to Configure Your Website for Off-Page and On-Page SEO

Most businesses nowadays are obliged to create their own business websites that would serve as their online marketing arms. It is not enough, however, to simply have a business site online. It is also necessary that this site be prominently visible, and there is no better way to make a site more visible on the internet than to engage in search engine optimization. But how do you optimize your site?


Engage in On-page and Off-page SEO

The process of making your site more visible online is called “search engine optimization” or SEO, and it can be off-page or on-page. On-page SEO usually refers to the different settings that you do and apply on your website to make it look good to the search engines. Some of these things include using proper URL structures, optimizing the descriptions and titles, employing user-friendly navigation, text formatting, optimizing internal links, image optimization, and many more.

On the other hand, off-page SEO generally refers to all the things that you do and perform outside of your website, like those of social media marketing, link building, and social bookmarking.

How to Design Your Site for On-Page SEO

A search engine-friendly site usually has keywords that are well-researched. You can make use of a word tracker to figure out the relevant keywords that could readily grab the attention of your prospective audience. Afterwards, you should place these keywords strategically within your content and web pages. The correct placements of these keywords are critical for optimization purposes. Moreover, you should place keywords specifically in the URL.

Furthermore, you should focus on specific areas that register with the search engines. The headings, for example, are readily reached by web crawlers; hence, strategically, you should place bold headings near the top of a page, and at the end of the page. You should also embed keywords in well-chosen anchor texts. Moreover, your keywords should be closely knitted together, and ensure that you follow proper keyword density likewise.

Aside from keywords, you should also include title tags and meta tags. Title tags and meta descriptions are often used by search engines to rank and catalog web pages. These meta descriptions should be accurate and should reveal the important keywords on every page to search engines’ web crawlers.

Focus on Content and Quality Links

You should sparingly use images and ensure that you carefully position these images on your pages. On the other hand, you should provide enough content for every page of your site, and keep it updated. This is very important because search engines can readily figure out if your web pages are constantly updated and have new content. You should likewise provide quality content to increase quality links — search engines really love quality links and content

Lastly, you should not dilly-dally in searching for the best SEO company to help you do the on-page and off-page optimization of your site correctly. Check for the top 50 SEO companies that can help you with your online marketing campaign.

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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