Selection of a proper advertising channel gives wings to your marketing campaign, thereby securing the unprecedented growth for your business. Let’s confabulate the below-given abstract to figure out the best advertising channel that suits your business.
Will SEO Make Your Business Successful?
‘SEO’ comes from Search Engine Optimization and includes various strategies and techniques.They all aim to attract more visitors to the website. The main idea is to make the website easy to find by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page (SERP) of Google, Bing, Yahoo and the other popular search engines. This significantly increases the chance of achieving more sales and benefits.
Since it is quite common Internet users not to click through many pages of results, the first websites in the SERP attract the most clicks. Where the site ranks in the search is absolutely essential for directing more traffic to this website.
You need SEO to help you ensure that your website is accessible to a search engine. The so-called ‘organic SEO’ describes the process of gaining a natural placement on organic search engine result pages. This requires a careful planning of the structure of the website and your marketing strategy.
Organic SEO includes various techniques such as using keywords in the content, keyword analysis, link building, backlinking, and providing quality content which will be considered useful by human readers. Since it is hard to write such content, you should better work with writing professionals. Assignment Masters offer expert writing services which will attract the users to your website. The quality content will help you achieve better results is SERP and have plenty of new visitors to your company website.
SEO services are necessary to help you ensure that the website is accessible to a search engine and has good chances to be ranked highly by it.
Is PPC a Better Option than SEO?
Pay Per Click (PPC) is another option for advertising your business. The main difference is that the traffic which will get from SEO is organic and free. It shows that you have done a good job to structure your website well and to fill it with quality content.
The traffic that will be generated from PPC is not free and is not natural. It will disappear after the advertising campaign is over.
Which One Will Bring More Traffic?
The organic traffic from SEO is relatively constant and more than the PPC traffic. But this concerns only the case if you manage to rank well your website for specific and related keywords. However, it is quite difficult to get first page positions for chosen keywords. Paying for traffic might appear to be your only option if you want your website to be really visible on SERP. You should know that second and third-page positions will probably bring 0 or very little traffic, so the first page is your goal.
Effective Conversion
There is another essential question –‘Which type of visitors is more likely to convert –make the visitors call you for services, purchase your products, register to a newsletter, etc.?’ If your advertising is well-targeted and optimized, then the visitors coming from PPC are more likely to convert. The reason is that they are obviously looking for the products or services that you offer.
The Successful Strategy – PPC first, SEO after that
To make your business successful, you need to use both PPC and SEO. Combining them should be a major part of your Internet Marketing campaign. For fast results, make a PPC advertising campaign and test which keywords convert better. Then, focus your SEO on these keywords.
Here is another major rule – use PPC for a high converting product. SEO is a more suitable when you have a limited budget which you can spend on advertising.
How to Use Social Media Marketing?
Social media marketing (SMM) involves using social media networks for advertising a business. This type of marketing generally involves activities such as social sharing of texts, images, and videos, and images for marketing purposes. The paid social media advertising campaigns are also regularly used.
How to Choose the Successful Advertising Campaign?
You need to choose the right advertising campaign for your company according to your type of business. Here are some basic principles which will help you make the right choice:
1. Google or Bing advertising campaigns are great for service providers
Usually, services providers – lawyers, doctors, IT developers, babysitters, accountants, gardeners, etc. need to advertise their businesses to an audience that is actually searching for specific services. This leads to a great searching competition and low conversion.
That is why the Google AdWords advertising strategy works the best for service providers. The potential clients of these services already know what they are looking for.
2. Google Display is great if customers don’t know you exist
Some businesses have products or services that are not so popular or just completely new and innovative. Google display network campaigns are great for finding potential customers who visit other websites. The perfect platform to use is Google AdWords.
3. Use Facebook to find customers according to lifestyle and behavioral patterns
Facebook advertising is great for letting you target customer profiles by age, interests, gender, education and other relevant criteria. You can also use Twitter advertising and the Google Display Network to reach a wide audience.
Advertising your business will make it work for you. Plan your advertising strategy according to the type of your company. Combine the advertising channels and be ready to experiment. It will take time until you find the most effective marketing tools but then the benefits will be huge.
Author Bio
Mary Kleim is a creative writer. She is working on several online projects. One of them is essay writing service AssignmentMaters. In the future, she is planning to launch her own blog dedicated to digital marketing.