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5 reasons why you should use WordPress for your website

WordPress is a free content managing system developed by Automatic Inc. In a world where dimensions of time and space are compressed, where news reaches people in a mouse click, WordPress has become an indispensable tool in real-time blogging. It allows users to write until there is nothing left in the memory that has not been translated into words, and at the same time allows them to add a personal touch to their own space in the internet.

Although WordPress started as a blogging tool, it is never limited to blogging services alone. In fact, a myriad of users employ WordPress to manage the content of their websites, which is a set of web page that is generally more sophisticated than a blog. WordPress offers the user a range of possibilities in drafting the content, web designing, and expanding (or limiting) the reach of the website.

The advantages of using WordPress can be summed up in five points. First, in terms of web design, there is a rich variety of free themes and plug-ins to choose from, thus allowing the user to create a balance between form and content. Aesthetics, of course, is a significant parameter in creating an enticing web site, but it is interactivity that makes life out of cyberspace. Hence, WordPress offers extensions such as polls, contact forms and other applications that pave way for a real communication – characterized by the presence of some input and feedback – between the web master and his or her readers.

Second, with WordPress, an individual need not be an expert in writing HTML codes to create a functioning website. In the case of a technical glitch or a sudden impulse to change the web design, the individual does need to contact the web master and explain what he or she wants to happen. With this system, creating a blog becomes as easy as picking a template design for a note, writing the text and passing it for publication. The individual is the web master himself.

Third, users can easily modify the options for search engine optimization (SEO) and increase (or decrease) the accessibility of his site. The WordPress user can edit permalinks according to his or her  preferences, and can stress a part of the content through tags and clean codes. Also, the user can use tags to say that one topic is related to another, or to draw a connection between a specific topic and a broad theme. For instance, if the blog entry is about The Beatles, the user can create a “pop culture” tag for the article.

Fourth, WordPress has a wide network of web developers that are most willing to help a starting site builder. Although the system remarkably simplifies website building, an individual may still need help in installing relatively more complicated features.

Last, WordPress, unlike other providers, comes with quick installation, and the user does not have to untangle himself of all the technical jargon and a series of questions that are hard to answer, although the response can only be yes or no.

Indeed, WordPress is an efficient piece of technology that empowers any individual, and is, at any point in time, a better alternative to the content management systems that are difficult to operate. Revolutionary in its simplicity, WordPress is now a necessity for any user who wants to mark a space in the internet.

This useful marketing article was written by Charlotte of Benidorm travel guide publishers

What do you think?

Written by Admin

Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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