
Seven Questions to Ask Yourself Before Leaving Facebook for Google +

Before you tackle the almost impossible task of deleting your Facebook account, here are seven questions to ask yourself first.

1. Why do I want to switch?

Before actually making the switch, you should consider why you want to make the switch. Are you just simply interested in what Google + has to offer? Are you tired of Facebook? Are you sick of the constant Facebook changes and interested in something more stable? Knowing your reason why will help you decide if it’s a good idea.

2. Do I know anyone using Google +?

Since Google + is a new social networking site, not many people have left their Facebook comfort zones and joined yet. If you don’t know anybody currently using Google +, you won’t have anybody to interact with, so there won’t be much social activity occurring. Maybe you do know a handful of people on Google +, so you should ask yourself if leaving your 400 plus Facebook friends is worth the six Google + friends you’ll have.

3. Do I have time to learn how to use it?

If you’ve been using Facebook for a while now, you could work the site in your sleep. By joining a new social network, you have to take the time to get know it and figure out how it works. Does it have “pages” like Facebook? Are there “groups”? Is there a “like” button? If you don’t have the time to get to know a new program, leaving Facebook for Google + might not be the best idea.

4. Is there something about Google + that interests me?

Though Google + and Facebook are both social networking sites, they both offer different attributes. Google + offers live video chat, which Facebook doesn’t. Google + also lets you place your friends in certain “circles”. This way, not all of the information you share can be viewed by everyone. So if you wanted to post a picture that only your family could see, be sure to assign it to your family ciricle.

5. Is there anything about Facebook I will miss?

It’s possible. If you leave Facebook, you will lose your Facebook friends. If you’ve connected with an old childhood friend, make sure to get their contact info before you leave if you want to stay in touch and they’re not on Google +. Also, if you have pictures on Facebook you want to keep, be sure to download and save them, otherwise they’ll be lost.

6. Is Google + going to stick around?

Google + is one of the newest social networking sites, so it needs time to gain new users. Just because it hasn’t skyrocketed yet doesn’t mean that it won’t. Maybe in a few months everyone will have left Facebook for Google +, or maybe in a few months Google + will be a ghost town. You need to decide if you want to take the risk.

7. Will I regret my decision?

This question may be hard to answer. You don’t know if you’re going to like Google + more than Facebook. You may end up loving it and never looking back, or you may be home sick for Facebook after only a week.

You can take comfort in the fact that if you leave Facebook, it will always take you back. There’s no need to stress over the decision to have an affair with Google +.
Author Bio
Roger Johnson is a technology expert and photographer based out of Milwaukee. As well as being an outspoken advocate for proper grammar and the use of grammar checkers Roger is a massive fan of pecans.

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Nola J Arney is working as an application and web developer at HTMLPanda. Her core technical skill in web designing, Sencha touch, PhoneGap, and other platforms has contributed a lot of benefits to the business. She has an interest in writing and hence, she has written numerous blogs & articles that specifically shed a light on website the designing & development technology. All her write-ups have earned a gratitude from the specialists worldwide.


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